Monday, June 27, 2005

What a weekend. I had my daughter's bday party yesterday. We had a great time. The kids all played and screamed and laughed. You havent seen a race till you have seen a 3 year old open presents. I look at my Stars and I know I am truly blessed. Just one "Momma I love you" and all the world's worries disappear. Was not sure my sweetie was going to come to the party till that day. Something about 10 kids running and screaming about sent him running and screaming. Guess its weird for him cause he has not nieces or nephews. Hard to adjust to all the kids at one time. Love me Love my life. I have kids cant change that. So adjust to the situation or tell me you cant handle me and my bagage. So one day at a time we going learning each other and seeing where this will go. But if it ends I hope we can always remain friends. well back to work.


At 6/28/2005 8:23 PM , Blogger Desiree said...

all is the way it is too be

well except work tis evil it is lol

At 6/30/2005 10:54 AM , Blogger redgirl said...

evil is work lol long weekend for me got to get old house packed and clean landlord got people want to see house grrrrrrrrrrrrrr no break with the sweetie


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