Friday, December 16, 2005

Why say you are coming and then not show?

Why do some people say they are coming and then dont? Its your childrens' class Christmas party why cant you make the time? Work? Yes I understand you have to work but what about the days you are off and could have gone on their field trips but you just goofed off till they got out of school. You say you miss them and want to spend time with them but dont make the effort to do things with them on their time. It always has to be about your time. Well thats what got us where we are today. YOUR TIME never our time. YOU need time to go fishing and play golf. So while you were off doing your thing I realized that I just wasnt important to you. I was the one crying in line at Christmas time cause I was exhausted and the kids were tired. You were fishing and promised to meet me. Have you ever stood in line with a 6 month old who is hungery and tired and a 2 year old that is ready to go home? Thank God for my best friend. She watched our son while I took a break and feed our daughter. Have you ever had to breast feed a baby is a public bathroom at Christmas time? lol You would have thought I was Mary as many stares as I got. I honestly think that was the breaking point. Yes I know I put our children first but you put us last. So now here we are 3 years later. Have you learned from your past? I know I have. I am not perfect and yes I know that it takes two to make a marriage. It takes making time for each other. Please learn to make time for our children because if you dont the day will come when they walk out on you too. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Dont tell them you are going to do something and then not show. You missed them at Halloween again this year. They wanted to know where you were at. So I told them you were working. It is not my job to tell them these things you should call them and tell them you cant make it to their stuff after you tell them you are coming. Dont break their hearts. You broke mine and walked away you break theirs and you will see the wrath of a mother.


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