Monday, November 29, 2010


Does time really matter? If we dont eat right at the time the dinner party is suppose to start, does it really matter? I wonder if the pilgrams ate right at the exact time they told the indians to be there. Why is it an issue? And why do rude comments have to be made? I like to relax and talk to people while I am cooking. If all the food is exactly ready at the selected time then most of the time I would be eating by myself or watching the food get cold waiting for "guest" to arrive. Holidays are suppose to be a time of happiness and fun family gatherings. Not full of stress that if everything is not perfect then we are going to be told how we did it wrong. (wrong as in not the way you would do it) Sad that now the holidays are full of hurt feelings. I do sooo love my family and cherish every minute I get with them. I fully understand that next year my family will have fewer members. Ten years from now it wont matter if we ate at 5 or 6 it will matter who we ate with and the memories that we made. happy or sad one that is question.


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