Trust Issues
My best friend today even said I have trust issues. I think its more that I dont trust myself anymore. How do you learn to trust again? Do you stick your heart out on the line and wait for someone to blow it apart? Or am I just being negitive thinking that its gonna get blown apart again? If I act strong and tough and like I really dont care what people think then they cant get close and they cant hurt me. My heart cant get broken again. Not sure I can put all the pieces together again. So I go on being the woman of steel when all I really want is someone to love me and hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok. I dont want a Mr. Fixit just someone to listen to me and love me. I know I have problems that only I can fix just would be nice to have someone to listen to me when Im on the verge of totally losing it. So do I trust again? Yes No Maybe only time will tell.
oi were all up a creek on this one, i could say so much but what does it matter i can't trust i keep getting knocked back when i do, does this mean i keep trying and try harder and just give up, why is nothing worthwhile easy?
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