Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I love you

3 little words
Yet so hard to say
3 little words
I try to keep at bay

I tell my Stars that I love them everyday and when I leave my family they are the last words I say. I long to hear him whisper them to me but I fear forever it will not be. Is there a forever love? Does I love you come without strings? I would give him my heart but can he promise not to break it? I would give him my future but can he promise not to waste it? Am I capable of loving? Will I always be wondering? Why cant I just say how I feel? Is what I feel real?

Do any of us know what love truly is? When I look at my Stars I know what love looks like. I would die for them. Their love is pure. It has no ulterior motives. Just pure and straight from the heart. One little Mommy I love you and the world is a better place. My daughter loves to take her tiny hand and rub my cheek then look in my eyes and say "Mommy I love you. Whole heart mommy" That is what love is. Its whole hearted no strings no motives just pure kindness.

Why is it that as adults we lose how to love like that? Or maybe we don't lose it we just forget that love is pure. We add stipulations and stings. In the end that only brings heart ache. So maybe we need to learn from children how to love purely. And how to accept people for who they are with all their faults. We can love them for the person they are just not always their actions.


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