What makes us dreams the things we do? I dreamed the other night about a store here in town that always has Christmas decorations in its windows. I was driving by it and the windows were empty. not a thing in them. I love to look at their windows at Christmas. is it my lack of Christmas spirit? maybe my lack of Christmas. I have not started really shopping yet for my angels. I plan on doing it all this weekend. every last gift of every last person. lol. then I want to bake. my bread maker is hating me. I've been using it almost every night. my daughter is now in love with homemade bread and jelly sandwiches. they need to make a special sandwich carrier just for homemade bread its too big for the regular carriers. and boy do i jump from one topic to another. no wonder my friends laugh at me when we go out.
Watch me wiggle and giggle
Glad your posting again!
You gave me a great gift idea for my wife!
glad I could help.
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