Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Last night I watched a show I rarely ever watch. How I met you mother. One of the characters father had died and they were talking about the last words that his father had said to him. It hit home. I dont remember the exact last words my father said to me or that I said to him. He had asked me earlier in the week to take afternoon trip with him that Wednesday. I had a college class that night and really didnt want to go with him so I told him I couldnt go. Being stuck in a car for an afternoon with my father was not a way I wanted to spend my afternoon. I got home that night to a phone call from my mom telling me he had been in an accident. What were my last words? That I dont know but I do know I didnt want to go with him. 13 years and I still wonder if I had been there would the outcome have been different. I now make sure the last thing I say to the ones I love is I love you. I never want them to wonder what the last words I said to them were.


At 1/19/2011 8:33 AM , Blogger MarkD60 said...

I remember precisely what my Father said to me last. "Let me go"

At 1/21/2011 5:39 PM , Blogger Desiree said...

indeed always say I love you!


At 1/25/2011 2:17 PM , Blogger redgirl said...

huggles desi i sooo missed you. are ya ok?

At 1/25/2011 3:43 PM , Blogger Bill Lisleman said...

I just read the post before and this one. My father passed away days after I was married for the second time. The last pictures of him are at the simple ceremony we had. I understand your questions but I hope the "what ifs" don't occupy too much of your time because they can take away too much of your time.
Here's a post of my feeling on the subject for what it's worth.


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