"Some folks feel the rain .... Others just get wet"
The first thing that came to mind when i saw this title was something that happened to me a few years ago. My ex and I were leaving our marriage councelor's office, it was a sunny afternoon but it was also raining. I decided to dance around in the rain. My ex just looked at me like I had lost my mind. Ive always loved to dance in the ratn and at that moment I saw how different we were. Being different is not a problem if the other person can imbrace the difference and love you for your little quirks. Its when they look at you like the men in white coats should come get you that you know its not going to work. We can either embrace life or we can just get wet. We can stop to smell the roses or just throw them away when they die. We can accept the challenges of the moment or spend our whole lives hiding. So do you feel the rain or just get wet?