I hope you realize
Half of what he says are lies
I hope you see
How awesome you can be
I hope you dream
Of touching moon beams
I hope you pray
For His guidance every day
I hope you know
That I love you wherever you go
Watch me wiggle and giggle
I hope you realize
Ronnie Dunn "Bleed Red" Lyrics Let’s say were sorry ‘fore it’s too late Give forgiveness a chance Turn the anger into water Let it slip through our hands We all bleed red we all taste rain All fall down loose our way We all say words we regret We all cry tears we all bleed red If we’re fighting we’re both loosing We’re just wasting our time Because my scars they are your scars And your world is mine You and I We all bleed red we all taste rain All fall down loose our way We all say words we regret We all cry tears all bleed red Sometimes we’re strong sometimes we’re weak Sometimes we’re hurt and it cuts deep We live this life breath to breath We’re all the same we all bleed red Let’s say were sorry ‘fore it’s too late We all bleed red we all taste rain All fall down loose our way We all say words we regret We all cry tears we all bleed red Sometimes we’re strong sometimes we’re weak Sometimes we’re hurt and it cuts deep We live this life breath to breath We’re all the same we all bleed red I love this song. I think many people have forgotten that we all are the same.
Ball season is here and I am everywhere. I think they should have a temperture limit. Sitting in the 40 degree weather for 3 hours is not fun. The kids are enjoying it sooo far. I dont mind it when its warmer. I am not one of those if we dont win the world is coming to an end parents. My kids are there to have fun and learn how to play with a team. Winning is nice but its not the end of the world if they dont.
Last year my loving husband made my son bunkbeds. Well now it seems my daughter wants them too. She started off just randomly saying she wanted bunkbeds to now its an everyday conversation. Night before last she had to talk to my husband on the phone about them and then when I called her last night she asked if they were finished yet. I told her maybe she can have them for her birthday. She informed me that was months away. lol. So loving husband that he is told me to order the material last week. It is now sitting in his garage. We had to make up a story about what it is there for cause he wants to surprise her with them. My loving husband is not their father but you would never know by the way he acts about them. I never use the word stepdad. They have a dad already and for some reason step just doesnt sit well. The kids call him by his name sometimes they add bear to it. I've never heard them use the word stepdad when talking about him. He helps me tuck them in. He fixes their breakfast and makes our lunches. So my story that started out as a funny story about the want of one little girl for her own bunkbed turned into a story about the love of a man for that little girl. Blood doesnt make you family love does.
I have a small coupon using addiction. I am trying to get our food bill down. If we didnt have to buy food we would be rich. Some people may think its a pain but when I'm paying around half price or less for my groceries I'm a happy girl. I'm ready to plant my garden so I can stop buying veggies at the store. I save alot during the summer with the garden plus my children say they like our veggies much better.
I sometimes get very frustrated with my life. Its my unorganized self that usually causes these problems. no matter how bad my day is there is always someone out there who is having a worse day. I fussed at my son last night for being impatient while waiting for dinner. I reminded him of the people in Japan who haven't had food for days and told him he would be ok to wait a few more minutes. I now have to fuss at myself cause some days I complain about the small stuff when there are people alot worse off than me. I am very greatful fOr all I have.
This weekend was soooo nice. I love it when the weather gets nice enough for me to work outside and not freeze. We started tilling our garden. I cant wait for fresh veggie. I tried to get the whole house clean Sunday but that didnt happen. I dont understand how we get sooo many dirty clothes. could be that my daughter changed her outfit 3x yesterday lol. baseball and softball practice this week games start next weekend. so far i havent left practice with a crying child so they must be liking it. we played ball in the yard yesterday. i think im gonna need alot more practice.
Yesterday I was way lazy. got up went to church and then went back to sleep. much needed it was. feeling much better today and im focused gonna get some of this paper work done. lots of meetings this week and busy weekend coming up so ive got to get everything done. i think there is somewhere to be every night this week and then possible sleep over of 2-3 kids this weekend. rented 2 movies this weekend. husband no longer allowed to pick movies. the repo is not about cars but body parts turned off after 10 min not good. these little red boxes have no where near the selection of a movie store and when they first came out they had much better movies. soo busy busy week.
Sad how the little businesses that made this town are slowly dieing off. Main street isn't the street of my childhood. I know things have to change but its sad to see the family businesses being eaten up by the larger chains. The mom and pop store owners know your name they know your parents names and your kids names. They ask how the family is. They make time to answer your questions. They may not have what you are looking for but are will to either order it or tell you where you can find it. So soon we day goodbye to another business. Who will be next?
Everytime I hear the song "I hear voices" it soooo makes me laugh. Dont we all have those little voices in our heads that talk to us from time to time? The memories that seem to pop out at us. vivid as the day that person said them to us. the part that makes me laugh the most is from time to time at work i will just start sing i hear voices i hear voices. makes the coworkers a little nervous makes me laugh. stress has a way of making you laugh at yourself. i am learning worry about things you cant change doesnt help. fix the things you can and let go of the rest.